School Administration
Chuck Whitecotton, Principal
Welcome to Phoenix High School, a Model Continuation School.
Phoenix was established in 1978, first accredited in 1992 and serves as the continuation high school for the Western Placer Unified School District. It provides an alternative education program for students in grades 10 through 12 or ages 16 to 18. The School is located adjacent to the comprehensive high school, in the city of Lincoln, fifteen miles NE of Roseville, California in Placer County.
Phoenix's campus is comprised of portable buildings consisting of: 7 classrooms, administrative offices, restroom facilities and a new double unit multi-use (library/career education and assembly) room. It is fenced and landscaped, has a blacktop student recreational area, and offers off-street parking. PHS shares the campus with Lincoln Adult School which offers a GED preparation program in the evenings as well as beginning and advanced EL classes for our Hispanic population...
Our enrollment varies throughout the school year but averages approximately 85 students. Our dedicated group of 5 highly qualified regular education credentialed teachers, 3 FTE resource specialists 2 FTE counselors and a full time secretary; meets the needs of Phoenix's diversified student population. The student body is currently comprised of 50% white, 43% Hispanic 3% black and 4% other. We are proud of our diversity as well as the students we serve.
Our vision statement is clear, reflective and focused:" where caring leads to success in learning". This belief sets the tone for building the culture of our school. It is our mission to create a program in which staff, students, parents, and the community work collaboratively to foster and encourage student learning. Phoenix's curricular emphasis is based on state standards while focused on the various learning styles and achievement levels of our students. Student Outcomes or (ESLER's) are the motivating force in curricular development and teaching methodology. The Student Outcomes are intended to encourage and challenge students to become the following:
- Respectful citizens
- Effective communicators
- Academic achievers
- Career planners
- Healthy individuals
Students complete assignments, portfolios and projects to measure progress in meeting our Outcome goals. To ensure completion, a senior project based on the ESLER's is required for graduation. The administration and staff have high expectations for our students and strive to give them the opportunity to either return to the comprehensive high school or graduate from Phoenix. We strive to provide the caring, support and encouragement; but that choice is always theirs.
Chuck Whitecotton, Principal